I have used your site on many occasions to get the necassary firmware etc to flash my sons starview box, I have found it extremely usefull if a little difficult to navigate due to the vast amount of information on the same subject. Having said that I am about to add to that problem. I am a new member to your site as this is the first problem I have been unable to solve on my own. I have a genuine starview the box and have used the gt rom to flash the box with the CryptStar-v1[1].4-Core400 I have turned on the emu and done a scan in the ex c&w category (my Area) but it will not pick up and channels at all, I m by no means an expert in this field and would appreciate any help or advice you can give me to solve this problem. You guys really know your stuff on this site and am testement to the hundreds of people you have helped in keeping thier tv viewing up to date.
when you go into manual scan in the down freq if you can remember any of your freq ie. 250.000 291.000 400.000 ect the quality and level bars will go green and yellow if it finds anything....save you having to scan each time try with these symbol rates 6.887. 6.952 .6.875 and make sure cable is in cable input and scart in bottom slot
Thanx very much for your answer tryabit:first of all i have never done a manual scan so its a bit foreign to me, I have however gone into manual scan and the first thing that strikes me is I cannot put in a decimal point I have tried all the buttons but none seem to do it, secondly I am not at all clear on the frequencies you mention but it shows 746.750 which means absolutely nothing to me, in short I cannot get it to work, as a last resort I unplugged everything rebooted and re scaned automatically but still nothing.Maybe an explanation of the manual scanning frequencies etc would at least give me an understanding of what you want me to do, failing that maybe you can give me a different approach. Thanx in anticipation
you don't need a decimal its already there. go to it and type in 250000 or 291000 or 400000 and at symbol rate try 6875, 6887 and 6592 and with one of then the level and quality bars should rise.
so i type in the down ferquencies you give me along with the other frequencies enable scan and then enter to scan that particular channel, ie channel 1 if that works do it for all channels?
sorry steo but this is rocket science to me thought i had this box flashing down but obviously not. I know absolutely nothing about manual scanning and in any case if the auto scan is not finding anything on any of the transponders isnt a manual scan pointless?
are you sure you're ex c&w not tw and is the cable in the correct cable input on the back of the box as it fits in 2 places but only 1 is correct.
steo thanx for your advise i have found the problem you were absolutely correct i had the input in the wron g side (grossly embarassed) I thank you all for your help as i would never had realised if i hadnt had to make sure Thank You
Cheers stve the thing is i have taken the input out at least 4 times and plugged it back into the same hole as i have a eurovox and wanted to make sure thier was a signal getting to the box DAH. Thanx anyway