Hi my starview 3 seems to be playing up!! I can only get a handful of channels. All the others say "scrambled or bad channel" i've done a factory reset 3 times now & also connected the box to my comms port & downloaded GTRom_Super_8.04e.exe to it!! Nothing seems to work!! HELP!! please!! lol
use the search function above and look for nagra 3, already covered to death, Barnsley is having problems, but looks like Nagra 3 is on its way to yis
When you scan are the channels picked up? If so go to channel 512 after completing scan and turning on emu and then goto main menu 1570 and set defult ket press Ok this resets the keys and then exit out to main screen the info box should then show data being updated while the box searches for the new keys after about 20secs or show you should be back up and running. The problem has happened to me a couple of times and I done the same as you the only way I got it up and running again was to reset the keys
OK mickah, i'll have a nosey on the search thing!! Rizzb, yeh, it locates all the channels & the tv guide works!! I'll give that go Thanks guys