Hi All, i am just looking to find out if anybody knows of a safe site that will accept a laser card as payment for the starview 4 usb. any help is much appreciated. thanks guys.
I'm not aware of anywhere that will accept laser but if you're asking because you don't have a credit card you could always get a 3V prepaid credit card (3v.ie)
ye cheers, i was looking do kinda get it done quickly. anyway does anyone know what is the safest,cheapest and quickest site that delivers to ireland. thanks
all ya need to know is in here http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/only_boxs_working_in_ireland_hints_and_tips-updated-782583/
There are no online stores selling them in ireland, there maybe some local sellers who accept cash in person. You can only order them from UK sites and there is no laser cards in UK. Another alternative to 3v is pavilion shopping center swords sell a gift card thats actually a mastercard so you can use it online anywhere that accepts MC, and you can buy those right away with no waiting. PS. Anyone know any other places that sell these cards?
im in waterford, i think you can get those 3v cards at any branch of TSB. thanks for the info and the link. cheers