starview box advice

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by taz18, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. taz18

    taz18 Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    hi im looking for some help on how to set up starview box, ie - what cables i need etc

    i have been told the new house im going to had ntl in it b4 but im not sure it is in it now.

    what do i have to do to be able to have 2 starview boxes in seperate rooms, i know it has to have an ntl cable but how would i get 2 ntl cables for each room

    help would be great

  2. tam2oo5

    tam2oo5 Guest

    Youl have either one cable input downstairs and possibly another connection upstairs, simply whaT you do is buy a splitter cable and split the cable connection coming in into 2 connections run 1 to one box and another to the other box.

    Need any more info , just ask
  3. taz18

    taz18 Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    ok thanks mate can i ask what box would you reccomend, theres quite a few different ones iv been told starview is good but whats your opinion
  4. tam2oo5

    tam2oo5 Guest

    To be honest id go for the dbox's ( Sagem dbox 2 if possible, nokia is good aswell though) there more stable in and there is support here on ad and other forums than the starview has on the whole web. Least that way you know you could come here and get info and advice if your struck with a prob with the dbox .

    Hope that helps
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2007
  5. taz18

    taz18 Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    Thanks tam thats great, i was looking on ebay it seems to be dominated by eurovox and starview not many dbox that are in the uk anyway, do you know any website and also do you get the box office movies etc on it, like the pay per view stuff

    last questions i promise lol
  6. tam2oo5

    tam2oo5 Guest

    Lol no worries, what you get mate is all the sky movies channels 1-10 and sky premier 1 and 2. You can also set up teleport , which is really what replaced front row. But you can only watch it once some1 in your area has payed to watch it.

    Hope that helps , any more Q's just fire away
  7. theberm

    theberm Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    the starview box has a built in loop ,so you just plug a coax into cable out and wire it to another box in another room, this way you can watch different channels in other rooms, i have two its great

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