starview box or DreamBox DM500

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by dazzlet, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. dazzlet

    dazzlet Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    hi i am looking at getting a starview box or a dreambox 500 can i please have your advice as which one i would be better off going for. from looking at other forums and posts i imagine that the starview box is the newest box available and is a newer version of the dreambox can anybody clarify this. i know that there is much more information about the dreambox 500 available all over the intenet and not so much on the starview. i found that the dreambox needs updating quite often and is pretty simple to do but i dont know if the starview box ever needs updating or if it automatically updates itself. can anybody please advise or give their experiances and views on it all there is no clear cut answers anywhere so i think having some different opinions and views will maybe help me make the final desision
  2. eurovox

    eurovox Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2007
  3. kamrez224

    kamrez224 Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    i prefer starview as the channel changing is fast,and updates are available easily
  4. Fekker

    Fekker Regular member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    If you just want to watch cable then go for the Starview. If you want a more powerful box that is futureproof, can record & playback TV, play MP3 & photos from your PC then go for a DBox2 or a Dreambox. Dreambox & DBox2 are similar in that the DBox2 were made for Premier in Germany and are 2nd hand, the Dreambox is purpose built to capitalise on the DBox2 market and can be bought brand new. Just don't buy a Dreambox off ebay as it will almost certainly be a fake.

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