Starview / Cablewatch

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by factfinde, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. factfinde

    factfinde Guest

    Hi all,

    Have just moved house where my starview worked perfectly through Ntl, but the cable provider in this apartment block is cablewatch. Ive never heard of them and it isnt even digital. Will my starview box work?? If not what else is on the marked out there to gain these channels?

    Any help would be great!
  2. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Sorry to say it wont as they use an IPTV system and there are no other boxes you can.
  3. factfinde

    factfinde Guest

    Thanks scoucer for your help. Thats a bloody joke. Im pretty pissed off now. What else can you do ? Accept this crap service or get sky in? IM not well up on sky(dish, never had it) i presume there is nothing out there for it?
  4. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Sorry but it is happening in a few sites around Dublin with the likes of these providers and they dont even have a full compliment of channels. Regardind Sly I wouldnt be suprised if it was against your lease agreement to put up a Sly dish, just another way of these providers trying to keep competition out.

    So check your lease agreement and if you can have a Sly dish go with them.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2007
  5. factfinde

    factfinde Guest


    sorry im like a pest! Is there any such item for sk* like there is starv*ew for nt* ?

    How can these companies get away with producing such a crap product!
  6. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Sly cannot be hacked and so only their boxes work on their system. Regarding companies getting away with providing a crap service well Comreg washed their hands of all these providers and so the likes of these get away with murder.

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