hi hope im not askin a silly question but could really do with some help, i just got a new starview box and everything was fine but today all the chanels went blank and it says data is being updated,it then freezes at 120%,somebody pls help as my head is wrecked.
sorry bout d delay getting back to ya garyedge,was away for a few days. yea i had d emu turned on. i can get 5 or 6 channels in but thats it, have u any ideas? all d channels that i cant get in have whats like a little doller sign ($) on d channel list.
take your box back to factory setings and set up again you will lose all your favourites you had in order but at least you will get every channel back.
tried that gary but d same thing keeps happening, it just says data is being updated,goes as far as 120% and just freezes, any other suggestions?
when you said you took it back to factory settings are you sure you did factory settings and not just re scanned. to reflash it you will need a null modem cable and then you have to download the file to your starview box.
yes i think thats the same log on to this site www.techno-source.co.uk have alook on there it tells you how to download the latest up date if you get stuck ask someone for help over there .
sorry im only gettin back now been away ive tried 2 get emu by using menu 1570 no use, parent control and pin numbers no use what now.helpppppppppp im goin mad
you will have to put the lastest software on you reciever, my mate had the same problem his box had the old software on , so i flashed it with the new file , now the codes work
when you select parental control put in 0000 then press the info on your remote and type in 2004 that will take you to the emu.
gary that rs cable should fit it should have 9 prongs either end it then screws into the back of your starview then into your computer.