I've just set up a Starview STB off of my brothers VM BB connection. Everything is fine, except the EPG is very slow or non-existent. I am using the 257 firmware, which says August 2006. The signal quailty ranges, but is one dot off being full on most channels. Can anyone help out with this? Thanks!
Upgraded the STB to 259, EPG is still slow however when trying on my brothers connection and back at mine... Im thinking it may be the box itself, unless others have the same problem? Ive heard theres two versions around, so Im wondering if these differ...mines the smaller version.
Hi Fekker Im also having the same problem with the epg on my starview as your the guy to ask would adding a attenuator help as there is one fitted to my modem line ?
its not the box,the starviews epg is rubbish to say the least.there is only a few people that work on developing the firmware and this is the reason.there is nothing you can do,thats why people buy the dbox or dreambox because of the better epg,its a well known fact the starviews epg is crap and doesnt work half the time or even at all.soz to have to tell you but it seems like you went with the wrong box if you wanted epg