I have a starview cable box which was working correctly and receiving ALL the channels. Now it only channels 1-5, and the ETVS channels are working. With the other channels, the banner at the bottom of the screen appears on every channel and it even tells you the channel name and the current program. Although there is no sound or picture. Also, when you stop on a channel where there is no picture, and wait a few seconds, the box starts searching/updating. Sometimes it freezes on a figure less than 100%, sometimes it counts to a figure above 100%. Both times, it has no effect on restoring the channel. Can you suggest how to get the box up and running again so that ALL the channels will work. Thanks Sombrero
Yes, I suggest you read the other posts to find your solution, I's all there! Ok, I've had my fun. You need to flash a new file to your box from here. http://rapidshare.com/files/13529350/Starview_Update.rar Click on FREE download and wait on a download ticket.
i also tryed this and it hasn,t worked. i put the bin file in the box, switched on unit and hit download and nothing happens. the download % bar doesn,t move and after a while it comes up with flash failed. can anyone help please my hair has almost gone