Hello there , I would like to buy a Starview HD Combo Satellite & Cable Receiver. But before i wanna know a few thing about the functionality on the box. hope someone out there could help. 1- Can you get all sly sport channel when you connect the box to LAN network ? 2- Do you need a patch to open channel when the box is connected to LAN network ? 3- If yes, is the patch differ from the one use for cable network and satellite dish ? 4- Can I watch channel just by connecting the box to my LAN network or do I need to be in the cable area . I am asking this question because i don't live in the cable area Your answer will be much appreciate. Kind regard's
I think you've answered your own question mate. Why would you buy a "cable" box if you're not in a cable area ? The "sat" tuner will get you FTA channels and lots of other ideas. Just google sat card sharing.
Yet I got the satellite dish. I didn't answer my own question mate. because the box got satellite and cable tuner. I do get the dish
the box got box satellite tuner and cable. I will use the cable when I move to the cable area. but for the meantime i can use my dish. sorry we are drive out of my question. I will like to know if I will get the sly sport channel just by connecting my box to LAN network as I am not living in cable area
well the cable part is being phased out currently in the UK, going to N3 so that part of it will become redundant, but yes you can use the sat side if your box has a lan connection for Card share, thats the only way to get sly
the astra sat is the one and yeah CCAM will work on it, think there is a post on here on the latest CCAM release