Hi Eveyone I have a Starview HD Combo+ and its working fine. I was just wondering if anyone has the "home streaming" software so i can stream from my server. Can`t find it anywhere??
Bouski I have the same box as you and can't get any codes which work. Where did you get your codes from?
he is prob in the Uk as they are working over there for the moment thats prob what he is on about. There is no way he has it working in Ireland as there is very little working there now
tony247 Yes I live in Wales and all my boxes are working fine. Dont know till when tho? Easter they say? Just waiting for my letter of death!! Has anyone got the streaming software working yet because my HD Combo+ connects but shows no files in the media window on the box? Any ideas?
Can I ask what you want to stream. Its pretty simple with a dreambox. You just login to your local IP for your box and can then stream to any room in your house. Is that what you mean. Be assured it does not decrypt channels but it does stream
I want to stream media from my server. Ive got other media centres running in other rooms and want to stream from my Combo+ to save me buying another seperate media centre as it has the facility. I have the software running on my server for the Combo+ and it connects to my server ok ie. no errors. But when I go on the Combo+ media menu its blank. Can`t work it out??