starview hd combo usb problem

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by lucas23, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. lucas23

    lucas23 Guest

    hi was wondering if any 1 can help me out i have the starview hd combo non lan one . i connected it all up done the scan and got all the channels but most of them r still scrambled. i have tryed to up date the firmware but if i stick my 2gb usb flash drive in i get a message cant not read the usb every time i have even used 3 othere usbs and i had some luck and when i was installing the firm ware it just stoped at 10 % and then said usb memory full can any 1 help me out and point me in the right dirrection
  2. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    format the usb stick to FAT32
    put the firmware on it and try
    also due to nag.3 your combo box will NOT WORK on cable side
    your area may be on nag.3 or in the process of changing over

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