Starview in Ireland Does it work? Or am I better off getting a Dbox2?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Romero1, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Romero1

    Romero1 Guest

    Hi all,

    Interested in a starview box, but don't see to many Irish users on here, just wondering will it work in Ireland? Is there Ireland specific images? Any help appreciated


    Romero1 ;)
  2. benifa

    benifa Regular member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    Should work if you're on NTL, not sure about Chorus though as the latter uses a different symbol rate from the UK cable systems. I've heard of a Starview re-seller in Galway come to think of it, so there must be a reasonable demand for them here. If I were you I'd get a Dbox2, if only for the support availble on this forum.. ;)
  3. Romero1

    Romero1 Guest


    I actually went for a Dreambox 500C as I'm already using Dreambox 7020 for satellite, I'm used to working with this type of setup, hope I can find a decent UK image to work on the cable setup here.


    Romero ;)
  4. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    You should first check which service you get.
    You need a 500t box for chorus mmds and a cable box for chorus cable, NTL mmds and NTL cable.
    In some areas old analogue only cable networks are left over and you cannot get digital channels via such networks.
  5. Romero1

    Romero1 Guest

    No I'm ok neighbour had Digital service through Pace box. So I'm ok.

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