Hi all, Since its my first post, I'd better say hi to everyone first. I've looked through loads of posts about loading the starview before I even touched the box and thought it was going to be straight forward BOY WAS I WRONG! Here's what I did: Flashed the starview this morning with 26012007_257eE_api then did a autoscan of TW then went to menu and pressed 1570 emu was again already set to on, I didn't have to change it manually, but nothing. (and nagravision was the only other thing highlighted). Went to sky sports 1 and waited and waited but nothing cleared only fta. So I put 259 in and waited and emu was again already set to on, I didn't have to change it manually, but nothing. Did a factory reset, put in 257, rescanned, switched emu to on and all I'm getting is FTA channels. It says in other posts, if you go to sly sports1 it should take about a minute to clear. BUT NOTHING Have I missed a step? kardex
Did you do the following? And are you sure the update succeeded? From the guide by LUCID. Once completed the Starview will tell you how many channels found, exit on the remote and enter the Parental control section of the menu. Press "i " (info) then "2004" and you will enter the CAS system menu. Scroll down to Key EMU and switch it on by toggling the volume arrows on the remote. Then move up to Nagravision and press OK select your area provider then press OK. Exit and scroll down to Default key and hit OK. It will flash "Please wait for saving" Exit all way back to main menu.