i have the port connection to download the software for my starview, the trouble is i havent the software. i bought my box on fleebay and it came with a disc but it wont load onto my laptop or pc, can anyone help with a link or a website that i can get it on. or can someone please pm it to me if thats possibal. cheers
Ok , I need you to confirm that you have "The B0x" And I need to know if you are in Ireland or the UK as they use different firmwa*e You also need to download the GT ROM Loader softwa*e All this can be found in the link Eamo's Library at the bottom of my post
ok as Scouser said you first need to go to the eko site at the bottom of my post and download the gtrom loader to a folder on your desktop then download the v4.50 firmware from the same place it will be in the thebox folder and put this in the same folder as the loader and on the same site there is a wma file to show you how to flash your box as well download this and look at it this will show you what you need to do ok Now have you got a null modem cable to flash your box this is the one you need Heres the NULL MODEM CABLE Code L71BT http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=L71BT&DOY=2m6 also are you using a pc or laptop can you tell me
Here is what you will need: Firmware/loader can be found in Eamos FTA Library at the bottom of my post. You will need a null modem cable DB9F to DB9F Like this one: Null modem info here (May come with The Box). http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=L71BT&DOY=2m6 You will need the GTromloader, (Starview Software Uploader), found in the Starview Software Folder. You will need version 4.50 for "The Box", found in The Box Firmware folder. If you are using a laptop you will need a USB to serial port adapter to be used in conjunction with the null modem lead. Similar to this: USB Adapter info http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Modu...erial Adaptor Both the lead and adapter can be purchased much cheaper on fleabay. Saying that if you flash from a desktop this will have a serial port and you will not require the adapter.