if it is a new box u need to update firmware to allow switching on emu,menu-system info-ok-vers****e= freeview only .u need vers****ee to access emu
still having problems,box system says i have api ver 7.08e and boot ver8.0 dated 18th april 2008 can u help me to get in the system
Hi, i got the box super yesterday. However, i cannot get into the CAs menu to turn EMU on. Can anyone help. it is api ver 6.00e. Boot ver 8.00. Any help much appreciated
You will need version 7.05 firmw@re for THE SUPR B0X found in "THE B0X SUPR" firmw@re folder. All firmw@re/loader can be found in the link at the end of my post marked EAMO'S LIBRARY.