Hi All I'm considering a Starview box.I already have a dbox2 but want something for upstairs.Any advice would be appreciated,I see them on ebay,all say latest software and plug & play.I have read a few threads on here mainly that suggest that some people have to keep updating or the boxes come without cams etc.Anyway if somebody can give me some advice I would be gratefull. Chaggy
The problem was that the 258 software did not autoroll as expected so everyone had to go back to the 257 version. The last update before that was September 2006 as far as I can recall. The Starview's only drawbacks are, you can't edit the channel list on your PC like a DBox and it is not open source so if the manufacturer stops supporting it you're on your own.
Thanks for that mate. Is it likely that this will happen and would you recommend that I stick with the dbox2.Just thought it would be a good idea to have more than one option if you know what I mean.Look forward to your reply. Chaggy
Thanks for that mate. Is it likely that this will happen and would you recommend that I stick with the dbox2.Just thought it would be a good idea to have more than one option if you know what I mean.Look forward to your reply. Chaggy
No, you should be able to flash without any problem. I doubt the problem you have is the Starview and is an issue either with the cable you are using or the COM PORT on your PC.