I'll put a large number of files together - say a few hundred jpegs. I want them alphabetical--easier for me to find and display in logical order. In Nero Burning ROM or Express I can set my view according to file name and everything's fine. But when I burn these files to a CD or DVD what goes on disk is not quite alphabetical. I can view the files alphabetically in Windows Explorer, but if I put the disk in a DVD player the files display in the directory in a different order, as two lists in one. (In fact, if I put the disk any of three different DVD players the files display in identical order in each player.) All file names begin with upper case characters A-Z. The list consists of a larger grouping of files A-Z, followed by a smaller grouping of files A-Z, consisting of files not included in the first group. There seems to be no correlation between size, date or any other factor I can think of. I've used both Nero Express and Burning ROM with the same results. Is there any way I can force simple alphabetical order on disk?