"With Steam, the CD key is used as a "proof of purchase" code to grant your Steam account access to that game. For these reasons, each CD key can be used with only one Steam account. Once it has been associated with a Steam account, your CDKey is permanently registered to it and cannot be transferred to another account." -- http://support.steampowered.com/cgi...3RleHQ9YW5vdGhlciBhY2NvdW50&p_li=&p_topview=1 "Steam accounts and any CDKey's registered to them can't be deleted but they can be disabled. You shouldn't need to have this done since Steam itself is free. If you don't wish to use your Steam account then you can simply uninstall Steam from your computer using the add/remove programs options in your control panel. If you are having problems with your Steam account or with a CDKey, then please look for specific information for your problem. If your Steam Account was disabled, it would not free up any CDkeys that are registered to it. You would not be able to register them to a different Steam Account." -- http://support.steampowered.com/cgi...F9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1hY2NvdW50&p_li=&p_topview=1 Suom. lyhennelmä: Steam-accountin poisto ei vapauta CD-avainta. Jos on joku erityinen ongelma CD-avaimen suhteen, etsi apuja Steampoweredin support-sivuilta.
oli melkoinen savotta saada tuo accounti toimiin kun peliin kyllästyttyäni uninstalloin sen.ongelmat alkoi silloin kun kaivoin kaapin kätköistä pelin ja asensin sen uudestaan,mutta kuinka ollakkaan en muistanut enään salasanaa.pari iltaa tuusattuani sain accountin jälleen toimimaan,joskin peli oli lentää muutaman kerran ikkunasta ulos.
no jos sua ei enää kiinnosta pelaaminen nii n voin hyvin ottaa vastaan accounttisi ja ruveta sitä pelaamaan koska on vmäistä kun kaikilla kavereilla on se peli mutta minulla ei joten jos haluat siitä luopua anna siis accountisi minulle eli nick ja salasana privalla