Does instant copy version 8, intervideo dvd copy2 or clone dvd compress movies to fit on 4.7 GB disc like dvxcopy platinum does?
I tried IC8.Didn't like it . It took to long . Now my disc didn't even copy (3 hours wasted). I'm going to try dvdcopy2 next.
Yep - its a good program, but im kinda lazy ;D i just want sumat where i press like 2 buttons for the whole process.. wel for now anyway im looking at CCE SP now
Yes I have but I still want another program.I like to have 3 backups. Shrink/dvdecrypter won't (well for me anyway) let you copy disc again.Still using dvdcopy2 now. I'll let you know how I did before I try clonedvd. Does anyone know if Roxio works with anydvd?
Is their a way to speed up this writing process with dvdcopy2. I'm using a TDK1280B(12X) with Ritek 8X media. At 48% now but its been20 minutes now
im not sure about roxio's decrypting methods, but im sure it could be - it would give the dvd no region code so it would be good Dean
ok I'M sorry.I said that because I have 5 brothers who always want to borrow a movie. But again I'm sorry.