I updated dvdfab to the 11/15/7 updated and no luck. Will have to wait for another update to this great proggy. I did a search of the forums and didnt find a thread on this one so I started one in case some1 else does a search. I am sorry, I was looking thru several forums and must have posted this in wrong forum, if an admin comes along, please move this to the appropriate forum. Again sorry for the inconvenience.
I tried turning off the pathplayer, but still get error messages, cant rip the movie to hd, will try the fixvts approach. sorry, been a while since I used vobblanker and fixvts. Thought I could use one of those to rip then cleanup but I guess not.
there's something not quite right with DVDFab of late, as best as i can tell, a few films lately (old and new) are seemingly having the same issue; unfortunately the DVDFab guys think the problem lies elsewhere ie with non-DVDFab programs but i'm not sure yet, am following a fair few threads closely, both here and at cdfreaks where the program authors live
Creaky, I have never had any DVD backup issues while using DVDFAB PLATINUM. All the movies in question have copied problem free on my systems! I have read all the threads, here and elsewhere, about certain movies not backing up with their software. I can only assume since I have not had problems with their software, the problems must be with the individual personal computers.
This might be a bit off topic, but I had an issue using dvdfab ( with one of the movies I backed up recently. I ripped only the main movie for "the lookout" with dvdfab. Apparently the macrovision page file overload protection wasn't removed because both nero and shrink gave me the out of memory error. I haven't had to use vobblanker in a while but ran it through any way; sure enough shrink and nero ran just fine after that. The thread I found that explained the macrovision protection was from 2005. It seems kind of odd that dvdfab wouldn't remove protection that was that old.
I don't doubt these issues exist, seems reasonable to say there can be some compatibility issues when using a string of programs to perform a task. Welcome to software! LOL However, since I'm using only DVDFAB PLATINUM, to do it all. May be the reason I'm not running into these issues. I really can't say, since I don't write software programs. Try asking TING the co-author of DVDFAB about your issue. He has a DVDFAB thread at CDFREAKS.com, to deal with any questions about their product. I ordered a copy of The Outlook. I should have it here by Friday. Will test with DVDFAB Platinum.
Thanks for the replies, I have tried it on 2 different computers, with an older version of dvdfab and the new one, no luck. I prefer to use the free proggies, too cheap I guess to buy the programs, especially since I have not had any problems that couldnt be overcome with free proggies. Any other suggestions?
i'm participating in a thread or 3 over at cdfreaks, some funny goings on with DVD Rebuilder not liking the odd movie processed by DVDFab; i normally have nothing but praise for DVDFab, it's done me proud with countless movies, however if something doesn't seem right i'll just as easily say so
elegon18 Did you try a different copy of the movie, yet? Are you able to still copy other titles? Next, try removing any trace of DVD DECRYPTER and DVDFAB HD DECRYPTER. First by ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS, then search HDD, all files and folders, removing any trace from there as well. The reason for this is you may have some corrrupted files fragments left over from previous installations causing the problem. Also, search for and remove PCOUFFIN. Next, install DVDFAB PLATINUM, the program is absolutely free for 30 days. This program does it all. http://www.dvdfab.com/download.htm If none of this works, let us know and we can diagnose further.
No I have not been able to exchange the dvd yet, kinda long drive. I did notice that when I updated to the newest version, it didnt replace the original dvdfab, so have both versions on computer. Will uninstall the original dvdfab and try again. Will let you know the results. I also have been reading up on cd freaks site. Pretty technical but sounds like there is a problem, thanks for the heads up, I will keep checking them also.
Yes, I've read many of the same threads. There are a host of reasons why two softwares may not work well on a particular HDD. Driver conflicts and file corruption, are just some. The problem could even be comming from another program sharing the same HDD. Many third party software companies do not certify their software drivers with Microsoft. This opens the door for compatibility issues. I did read some other threads were both author and co-author of DVDFAB said, these problems don't show up in their lab tests. And they believe the problems are elsewhere.
Yeah wtf its not even showing up on my pc when i put the disk in. Some kind of new protection. Says its scratched or dirty when i try to rip it but its not. I'm gonna keep trying wait maybe i just have to restart my pc
So did we find a solution of how to get this Stir Of Echoes 2 dvd backuped? Im trying to do it now, and I tried a mixture AnyDVD, Shrink, and DVDFab, but none seem to work! Any ideas of what WORKS???
Try Slysoft's, CloneDVD and AnyDVD. http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html Or try DVDFAB PLATINUM Beta http://club.cdfreaks.com/f116/dvdfab-4-0-5-1-beta-236384/