Storing avi files on CD-R

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by midget, Jan 9, 2003.

  1. midget

    midget Guest

    There seems to be a wealth of information offered on this topic, but I can't quite find exactly what I'm looking for. I simply want to store my avi's and mpegs on CD-R for later playback on my computer. I don't need to convert them so I can use a DVD player or anything. I tried simply writing the files to the CD-R, however, when I try to play them back, I get only the audio. The titles of the files are displayed as Track1.cda, etc, when I view the contents of the CD-R. I'm sure there's something insanely simple I haven't thought of doing, but please help!
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    it sounds to me like you are burning them as audio. try burning as just a data disc. if you are getting the individual avi and mpeg files on the disc, do you have the right codec installed. Do they play ok before you burn them? What burning software are you using?
  3. midget

    midget Guest

    the files are downloaded through P2P software, and would be fine on my hard drive except for the sheer volume they consume. they play fine in every player I have. how would i go about writing them as data files, the computer seems to automatically assume they are audio when i write them to CD-R.
  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    what burning software are you using? how much volume are you talking here? is it small enough to zip them? surely if they were zipped up you could burn them as data. you should be able to do it just as they are though.
  5. midget

    midget Guest

    Before my hard drive decided that it was a good idea to abruptly cease to function, I had over 60 gigs of video. I'm in the process of replacing it, and want to store it as I go instead of simply filling up my hard drive again. I will try writing zipped files to CD-R, that should be sufficient for what i need. I'm not quite sure what the problem is, it seems to be that windowsXP automatically assumes that any digital media I write to CD-R is audio only, as i can play the videos from CD-R, but when they play I only get audio. Thanks for your help.

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