Hello. There were a few places eligible to stick this thread so put it here. I wish to store jpeg or bitmap pics (under 1 meg pixel) to dvd or cd. What I have accomplished, using the latest free nero, is the following. I started with 12 pics. In multisession, I burned these pics. I put these in the dvd player and I was able to view them. I then took wrote an additional 12 pics to this dvd. Before taking out of PC, I viewed all 24 pics. When I put in dvd player, I was only able to view the original 1st 12 I put on dvd. What do I need to do different? Thank you kindly. DM
Sounds like you are using Burning Rom? Try a cd mode-you can use start & as you add pic use continue multi-session
A cd is fine for that many pics a dvd you can put about 10,000,000,000 just kidding a cd holds less than 1 gig (700 megs) a dvd holds 4.7 gigs both are fine its what ever you have when you want to backup your pics (cds are cheaper)(dvds hold more)
Yes I figured either was fine. Just not sure why I was unable to view all the photos I had put on. It used to be (or I thought it was this way) that before you were able to view the pics, you had to close out the cd or dvd. I just want to be able to continue to put pics on and view them when I want.
some burn programs allow you to add pics without finalizing so you can keep adding pics look for that option in you burn program