Hello! I'm new here, and only just barely know what I'm doing. Any help would be appreciated! I've been burning discs of these videos I have so that I can archive them, and it's been going well. Recently, though, I accidentally installed the Nero 7 demo (I thought it was an upgrade... long story, and a stupid mistake on my part). When I realized my mistake, I uninstalled the Nero 7 demo and re-installed Nero 6. When I resumed my DVD project, though, the program now seems to be interpreting the files in a different way! Whereas before each file would fit onto a regular DVD, now every time I add a video file, it tells me that it has very slightly too much information and that I need to use a DVD-9. If I allow it to reduce the file, it drops the size of the file dramatically. I'd just use DVD-9s, but they're really expensive, plus I know these files used to work. In addition, now it's telling me that some files "cannot be inserted," which it has never said before. I've even tried old files, files that I had already burned and which I know the program would allow to fit on regular DVDs before, and it tells me they now require DVD-9s. I really don't know what to do, but I very badly need to fix this problem. I don't know what can have caused it... is it possible some element of Nero 7 still remains? Can anybody help me? Here are the details of the program: I have Nero 6, which started as the OEM Suite, and which I have updated to the most recent version, using the Nero- patch and all the other service patches. The only difference between the way it was installed before and the way it's installed now is that this time that I also installed an update to Nero Media Player. I'm happy to uinstall the whole thing and try again, but if I do I lose my templates, so I'd rather try all other options first. Soooo... anybody? Help? Thanks very much!
P.S.-- I went ahead and uninstalled and reinstalled the whole thing, this time without the Media Player update, and ran CCleaner, AAAAAND nothing. It's still telling me I need DVD-9s for everything. Argh.
Aw, SON OF A-- Oookay. Everyone ignore me. I just remembered how I did this, all these months ago! ARGH! Sorry. Ignore me.