I've got a few cuts that I edited off my dvds with shrink and backed up to individual hard-drive folders. when I go into my HD and click on the vobs (Vts_01_1) the PowerDVD player will open up the vob and play that selected cut along the ac3 audio sound. however, on 2 separate edits (cuts from different disks) when I access the cuts directly by clicking on the Vts_01_1 file from the HD, there is no ac3 audio. if I bring up the powerDVD player 1st, and access these "no-audio" HD folders thru "open dvd on HD" then the selected cut plays ok with the ac3 audio. (also the picture and sound are OK when opening shrink again and accessing the HD folder) the configuration screen from powerDVD says on the cut when just clicking on the vob "Audio Attribute : Not Available" and when I bring up the powerDVD player 1st and then open the exact same HD folder the powerDVD configuration says "Audio Attribute : Audio Coding mode : Dolby Digital Sampling Rate : 48kHz Audio application mode : Not specified Number of Audio channels : 6 Bitrate : 448 Kbps Number of Audio streams : 1" the rest of the individual cuts (edits) are OK and play either way. directly accessing the vob or opening powerDVD 1st and then accessing the hd folder. just wondered if someone knew a reason. the information about the ac3 6 channel steam looks the same the selected cuts on ifoedit when accessing the vob and also from rejig (just used rejig to see if the ac3 stream was there, didn't demux it). btw, is there a better dvdplayer than powerDVD? this thing is a pain and my other player won't access HD files only the dvd itself from the dvd-r/rw.
The easiest way to play AC3 files is to demux them from the VOB file. I also demux, and use AC3Filter to play the AC3 file back with Windows Media player. AC3 filter homepage: http://ac3filter.sourceforge.net/ Ced