On clonedvd2 I get message APS Protection and with DVDShrink copies only upcoming movies and will not access movie. The movie is A Lot Like Love .... any suggestions on how to copy (backup) this movie?
canmale, I just back-uped my copy of A Lot Like Love using one of my favorite progs...Intervideo Copy 3 Platinum (ANYDVD running in the back ground!) I didn't encounter any problems. I also would suggest DVD Decrypter, like rebootjim, or even DVD FAb Decrypter (both free), place the files on the HD and then use shrink or any other prog. to make the necessary compression and encoding processes take place, then burn with Shrink (ISO image), NERO, or Copy to DVD. Intervideo Copy 3 has a 21 day trial at www.intervideo.com. Good luck! MovieDud