Hi there I cant seem to move any icons on the desktop or within folders on XP. I have made all the checks of locked icons and arrange icons by etc etc but no luck. I have also done all virus checks etc but nothing is wrong (im very careful with security anyway) I have googled it and found few things but nothing seems work so just wondered if anyone has had this problem and worked it out ?? Thanks
I had something simlar a few years back.. I never could figure it out. I ended up doing a reformat/reinstall. Something had attacked my registry and I could not drag anything (inluding resizing windows). Keep googling, as I remember seeing a reg file that you can import to your registry which supposedly fixed this. I elected to do a format because I did not know what caused the error (possible virus). Good luck. ~Rich
Thanks for your reply Rich I have actually got it sorted now but here are the things I did (after each step I restarted): Virus Check - Nothing wrong - Didnt work after Ad Aware Check - Nothing wrong - Didnt work after Spybot S&D - Nothing wrong didnt work after Registry edit (via google I found a missing key that I re-inserted) - There was a key missing so added that in but didnt work after Changed Mouse (as thought it could be mouse error) - Nothing seemed wrong with either mouse and didnt work Disk Defrag - After restart it was back to normal Im not sure if the defrag was the solution as I had done all the other things but seems to be fine now.