Lads can anyone give me a step by step on how to stream from dreambox to my laptop as iv never streamed anything before,i have downloaded VLC player last month but just dont no how to. thanks paddy
Depending on how your pc is set up this should work or very close any way. Either. Open you pc's browser and put the ip address of the dreambox into your computers browser and the web if controle for the dreambox should appear. On the main page click on the channel you want to watch the click on the little tele icon and it should automatically open the feed. The other option is right click on the little tele icon and then select copy link location. Open vlc player on your pc then click file then media then network. Copy and paste the link location into the little box and hit enter. It should then stream the feed. If this is slightly out is due to the fact I'm in the office and I'm working from memory. ki