I just installed my 2.3 pro, all of the lights come on and when i turn the chip off it works fine, but when i start it up with the chip on it goes to the cromwell screen, and when i load the evox2.5 cd it says "halted no bios update on cd" but i know the cd works. Do i need to get rid of the old bios first?
You must be making the bios cd incorrectly. If the bios cd DID work, then you wounldnt get that error. The machine would flash the bios onto the chip and then reboot. You would then install teh dashboard, etc. Remember the Cromwell bios is the legal bios that the mod chips ship with (otherwise they would be illegal) Here are a few things to keep into consideration. Is your bios the proper size for its bank? IE 256 or 512 or 1 meg? Is the bios burned onto your cd correctly. Remember the bios CD does NOT have to be an ISO cd. On my xbox 1.0 all I did was burn a bios.bin file onto a dvd and I was set. There are tutorials out there, just search harder using key words!
When you say that you know the CD works, I assume that you borrowed this CD from a friend or something like that. Just because it works on his Xbox, does not mean it will work on yours. Try different brands. I have version 1.0 and TDK seems to be the most reliable. I would try TDK, Memorex, and Sony. One of those should work.