stuttering,chirpy,chokey mp3 playback

Discussion in 'Audio' started by mrbagrot, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. mrbagrot

    mrbagrot Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    hi. i am getting really bad mp3 playback. it drops out, chirps,chokes,etc. i have an amd 3000+ proc,1 gig of ddr ram. i figure it's some kind of bottleneck, i have all drives set to system-managed. the audio card is m-audio delta 2496. it does this with zoomplayer and media player. i've read that it's a cpu overload thang. how can i fix this? is it possibly just badly encoded mp3's or memory issues?
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    If your computer down't slow down when you play Mp3s then I would assumme that you just have horrible Mp3s. Mp3's don't require that much CPU power or memory to decode!


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