Ok, Well my sister was on her computer doing research on subliminal messages for her physcology class and she came across a site that scared the sh.. well lets just say she had a hard time sleeping after that. here is the site. I warn you if you have heart problems dont go there. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/subliminal.php
I guess but it's way more fun to see it for yourself. It starts out showing you hidden things in old advertisements. Then it goes to a song by Cradle of Filth ( Never heard of them until then) the only thing is, is that it is being played backwards so you hear "The Lords Prayer" instead. It is really creapy. Then towards the end of the song it shows these pictures of mutillated bodies and there is a high pitch screaming in the background. Well it happens so quickly at the end it scares the sh** out of you.
lol. i viewed it, the subliminal message adverts are pretty funny, and the song backwards is pretty freaky, not too scary though