when ripping it the subtitle is green and in a bad condition its the first time i have this problem what do i have to do to get it black and sharp
what methods are you using? does the rest of the video look fine? did you have to transcode the video with rempeg? what programs are you using? i'll check back to see your reply.. peace seamonkey420
did you have to transcode the video? i'd retry ripping the disc again... do you try to play the movie with powerdvd or winDVD and the subtitles don't work? Do you need to have teh subtitles, cuz you could just strip that stream with ifoeditor if its messing up the whole movie.. peace seamonkey420
yes i need that subtitle and i play with power dvd but i want to backup it and play in a stand alone player
ok.. i see.. here's a quick run through on it (you probably know about a few or even all of the steps). I assume you ripped the whole movie to your harddrive with dvd decrypter and then stripped out the extra audio and subtitles and vob ids with ifoeditor. After doing that, did you transcode the video at all? with rempeg2 or is are the stripped files (.vob, .ifo, .bup files total size is under 4.36 GB, you can just rip to a blank dvd). Do you have a dvd burner? have you TRANSCODED the video with rempeg2 or not? Is this the first movie you have backed up before or are you experiened with this? if this is your first time, check out my page http://www.geocities.com/daseamonkey420 if not, reply again with more info about if you had to transcode or not and if this a warner bros movie or not. peace seamonkey420
No its not the first time i backup some movie and i did not use rempeg 2 i did just copy the movie vob to my hard drive with dvd decrypter and the subtitle are bad already i
yea.. it might be.. i tried my copy of pulp fiction but couldn't.. they used the easiest method too! the movie alternates the video framerate every other vob id and it is a dual layered dvd, so when i try to rempeg it, it just is blocky cuz of the changing... but sorry i was of no help.. peace seamonkey420