Am I wrong about this? It is total crap, that you CANNOT add subtitles with Nero VE 4 or any version. Nero sucks like that, otherwise it's the best DVD authoring prog around, I guess. It is indeed amazing that Nero can not or will add this functionality to Vision Express .... the big DVD Authoring mystery of our time ... If I am wrong, please point me to a guide or howto, about inserting subs with Nero.
@bonkabonk Nero cannot add subtitles but here is a guide that might help you out. Or you can go to the Subtitle forum for more assistance. Since you obviously pirated Nero, why are you bashing it.
Whoa! You are awfully quick to judge, aren't you? I'm bashing it, because I paid 30 bucks for it and it doesn't do jack sh...t! I said what I said, coz why should others pay 30 bucks for something bad too? On top of that, Nero is terribly impolite BLOATware, which takes over one's entire computer, destroyed all my file associations and the previous templates I had made with NVE 3. And also, it's proven almost impossible to remove from my system, it's even worse than IE. I hate software which just installs itself where it wants, without asking. It irritates me how they operate. I am annoyed about this "company strategy". It's not their job to heist my PC. And have you ever tried to read their help files? Don't even get me started on those. Besides, their CHM's are all empty!! Why do they put them up on their site, if all they do is displaying these "Internet Explorer can't connect pages" ?? So now I had to d/l the pdfs which are TEN times as large, which sucks if you have to do it over a phone line. Also, what THE F is up with this crap, "in order to keep the download small, we don't include help files"?? We're talking a 170 MEGA byte download here, then that measly 2 mb pdf or chm won't matter, even to those doing it over a phone line (which I don't, since I bought the crap CD) And for the future, nasay, I appreciate not being accused of piracy, when you don't know the first thing about it.
Your comments in your first post CERTAINLY indicated that you had aquired your copy of Nero by other than legal means....hence my comments. I see you have edited your post but fortunately you cannot edit the quote I extracted from it...the one which appears in my post. As stated piracy is not condoned in this forum. Actually, re reading your post you have edited it quite a bit.
thanks so much for all your help, especially the part about answering my post, and ACTUALLY READING my last post. You remind me of my chemistry teacher. Alas, the poor soul did the wrong experiment, just five months before her retirement, can you imagine? Luckily none of the children were hurt ...
I DID read your last post and as I am still convinced of your piracy in obtaining your copy of Nero (wink wink nudge nudge..get it)I am not prepaired to assist you however others are free to do as they wish. Sorry to hear about your Chemistry teacher though
well, I just hope u don't go d same way as her, thats all. And I'm glad to see that ur morals are not wavering. PS Don't u think those abo's are a bunch of no good lazy, jerks, living on social welfare?
If you need to remove Nero this works better than the clean tool Nero provide. Search for CC Cleaner on google free download you can make a donation if you wish. Install the program go to tools then look for Nero on the right and run the uninstaller. Next go to issues and run it to clear nero from the registry. Then go to program files and delete Nero files. This totally removes Nero and you can reinstall.