I am trying to import subtitles for my video clips of the tv show boston legal. When I import the sub only 5 min of subs will import leaving the rest of the show without subs. What am I missing? need help. thanks
Not sure what you meant by "subs". Is it SSA's .sub files? AFAIK, TDA/TAW only "officially" supports SRTs and their own internal subtitling format. If I have subtitles in another format, I'll find utilities to convert them to SRTs. sub2srt is one. I also have Aegisub on standby to convert "everything" to SRTs. I prefer SRTs because I can view it in any text editor and can "see" (and fix) errors before loading into TDA/TAW. FYI, TDA/TAW's SRT support is very basic - no markups, no locales for utf-8 file encoding. If you have an extra empty line in your SRT, loading terminates from there. If your "subs" is a .SRT file, then, perhaps this is your problem. Load it into Notepad and look at the 5 min mark - there should be only one blank line before the next timeline. Be very careful editing subtitles in Notepad - mistakes can easily happen. Make backups before you start just editing in case.