hi guys, i have a small problem (i hope)recently when backing up my dvds i have been getting results where when i burn discs some automatically display subtitles onscreen when played and others do not, has anyone come across this before, also checked them in other players and results are the same, is it a player setting or when the disc is being burned is there a setting to use, like i say it only happens on some burns using the same software, eg; fabdvd dvddecrypter and shrink 3.2. many thanks, rookie147.
you didn't mention what movies you are having this problem with.... are they new.... are they foreign films that need subtitles or are they movies that you need subtitles and it does it automatically? Knowing what movies they are and where you are is important. Sometimes if an American made movie sold in the orient will have subtitles right in the movie and it's burned that way..... get my drift? so what movies are these subtitles effecting?
Thanks for your reply IHoe,These are both older and newer dvds that i have purchased over the years (no foreign films) all are region 2 and its not so much the fact that subtitles appear as much as why on some dvd burns and not on others. rookie147