Greetings all, Thanks to this forum, my first attempt (last night) at backing up a dvd was a success..Yayyyyy! My new copy of Pirates of the Caribbean looks and sounds great on both my stand alone dvd players. At Scuba Pete's (and others) suggestion, I used DVDShrink and the Nero 6 demo version, both downloaded through Afterdawns software link. ok, now for the wierd part.. this morning I wanted to have a look around the nero 6 program to check out the various features and it says my free trial period has expired, and I only just installed it yesterday! What's up with that? The machine has never known any other Nero programs. So I guess my question(s) is, shouldn't I have gotten more free time or does this happen to everyone? Now that I've seen it work for me, I have no problem paying Ahead for the program, but I wouldn't mind seeing it work a couple more times before doing so. Any suggestions?..should I uninstall and reinstall or won't that work. Thanks...Doohickey
Hey Doo..... If you're happy with the product and feel that you won't find anything better (you won't) then I'd go ahead and pickup a copy. Nero can be funny about uninstalling and reinstalling versions. Always seems there are files not removed from the previous installation. Have fun and welcome to AD! Tony
i agree with crptdigr......i had a hell of a time upgrading from nero 5 to nero 6, took about five attempts and even then i aint sure all the features are working. trust your instincts doohickey ...shrink and nero are a marriage made in heaven. i would have thought you should have a longer trial period than that byt nero realy is worth the money to buy it.
I had the trial-demo version of nero6 for about 15 day's and i accidentally deleted the demo version but reinstalled with no problem. the demo version should ask you if you want to by the password on line, it's actully cheaper that way- $70 buck's for the code to be E-mailed to you the minute youpay for it or go to the store and pickup for like $120 dollars, when it's e-mailed to you it tells you to burn the program and passcode on a disc for backup.(pretty cool if you ask me). but any way's the new version of shrink is compatible with the new version of dvd-decrypter's burning software. check that out it might save you alot of money if you just want to burn movies.
Another neat way to burn for free is to use Shrink 3.1.7b5 and DVD Decrypter (free also) DVD Shrink 3.1.7b5: Edit> prefrences> Disable Nero. When you select backup: Select target> ISO disc image. Select OK and let Shrink create the ISO image. When Shrink is finished, close it and open Decrypter. DVD Decrypter: Select ISO Write Mode, browse for your ISO image and let Decrypter burn it for you. This only works with Shrink 3.1.7b5. Cheers, Frank _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]
Hey all, Sorry it took me so long to respond..real life has kept me from the keyboard and is really buggin me!Anyway, thanks for your responses. A quick update..I did try uninstalling Nero and installing it again and the same thing launched once just fine, but after that it says my free trial period has ended. You guys were right, Nero doesn't like to go without a struggle. After removing it through add/remove programs, a search of the registry found several entries under both Nero and Ahead. I deleted everything I could find, but who knows, there could be other Nero related remnants hiding in there somewhere. Anyway, I'm still left wondering if this happens to everyone or it's just me. Why does a supposed 30 day free trial end after just one usage??!! I must know, dammit!..I don't eat, I don't sleep... (lol)(By the way, I also directed this question to Ahead Software, but after one week I haven't recieved a reply and probably never will, but we'll see.) Anyway, I need to know if this is normal or not, because I'm starting to suspect I might have gotten a faulty download somehow, because the other wierd thing is when Nero launches, a dialog box pops up asking for the registration're supposed to enter the number and click OK. But the OK button is greyed out, even after I enter some random numbers. It won't even check the validity of the numbers entered. So, if it won't accept an invalid number, how can it accept a valid one I just paid 70 bucks for, ya know what I mean? Or am I missing something. I like Nero...I want Nero...all the reviews are good and I've seen it work for me. What I need to know is... 1) This is normal. Stop worrying Doohickey and send the 70 bucks...all will be fine, you'll see... or 2) This doesn't sound right Doohickey. Either try downloading the program again or save yourself a big hassle and go out and pay the extra 30 bucks for the boxed retail version. Thanks in advance, Doo
Hey Geestar20, Scuba Pete and Fasfrank, Thanks for the info. Until I get Nero up and running again I'll check out those other programs. Actually, I already have the latest DVD Decrypter and Shrink 3.1.7 b5, so I'll try that first. Fasfrank, (or others).. May I ask if you see any difference in quality burning with Decrypter versus nero?
(I'm thinkin' this kid is so cheap, "How Cheap is He?" This kid is so cheap when Washington (our first president pic on a US $1.00 dollar bill) speaks; it sounds like an accordion from all the permanent creases across his throat) Me-a-thinkin, this has got to be good! (Pulling up a lawn chair and my BBQ grill cause this might take a while - watchin’ de Doohickey get “punchy” from lack “O” sleep and slowly starve to death, all cause he got himself cheated out of a couple of free days of service of somethin’ he don’t wanna pay for -) Hey, “Fast”, “Doc”, Jerry, you guys doing anything ?? The Doo-man’s going to starve his-sorry-self to death - this could be better than watching a Monty Python skit - -
well ha ha ha... very funny (chuckle) Can I get ya anything Pete?....maybe a cold beer and a soft cushion for your feet while your waitin? (grin) ok ok, all kidding aside..I think you misunderstood what I was asking and why. Cheap? Hell yeah I'm cheap..tighter than a seacrabs ass (lol) usually... but not when it comes to buying 'toys'. I am ready and willing to pay for Nero (and say so more than once in this thread). I'm just wondering which method of buying it would be best. So..while your sittin there drinkin the beer with your feet up..all comfy and stuff, and waitin for my "sorry self" to starve to death" (it's ok, I've read enough of your posts to know you don't really mean it)(a wink and a smile) ya think you could be so kind as to re-read my question and pick either choice 1 or choice 2? I mean...I made it so easy for ya(grin) your friend, Doohickey
Aaaauuuuhhh, poor little buddy, Doohickey , Iffin' ya wasn't so busy gettin the "Old Man," ScubaPete his cold beer and that thoughtfull "comfy" pillow (Youse such a good guy, thinkin about my comfort, with my feet up, no less -). You would have read that first "quote", it being so big and bold that a blindman at midnight, in a dark room could have read it as textured brail - and, as "It," I would be refering to the answer I picked from the two (2), yes, I said two (2) that were made available to me ) - Lol Of course, since I included the number One (1), he could have gotten it corn-fusseled with all those other numbers.) (I do so loves my little Doo buddy, just hope the little fella uses just a tad more observation when learnin' ta cross the street) he,he Your "Uncle" ScubaPete )
lol...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!(sheepish grin) So sorry, Uncle Pete..I thought you were bustin my ass with that quote. Too funny, lol (Doo <-----a little dense sometimes) welp, ok...if you say so, I'll go ahead and send for the registration number... afterall...the $30. savings will buy a couple cases more beer (grin)...But if I have trouble registering after they have my money,(waggin finger)...wellll.... you're gonna hear about it..... Thanks for the response tho..., I thought you were ignorin me for a while there(pheww) I'll let ya know how I made out with it. Laters, Doohickey
I have beeen reading for a few months and working up the guts to do backups I have the equipment now and will install it all this weekend. I ahave learned a lot from this area and especially from good old Pete, but this is the funniest thread I have read yet!!! I have been laughing my ass off!!! YOu guys are great
I used the download from ahead and didn't have the problem that you state. When I launched burning Rom for the first time it asked for the serial # I inputed it and it took off the Demo version tag. Sorry I didn't notice anything about the box being grayed out though
Hey "Doohickey" SSSTTTOOOOPPPPP, I hope I'm not a day late, did you ever try the new shrink and decrypter program yet? The new shrink uses decrypter's burn program, so if you don't have the many just yet then just try that and see if it work's for ya. I think I would like a beer and my feet putt up (with a big'ol smile on my face) he!
Greetings all , Sorry to bump this thread to the front page again...just a quick update and I promise to let this one fade off into the archive sunset, k? I did send for the Nero registration number and, lo and behold, once entered the greyed out OK button became active, just like ol Pete said it would. How that "Free Trial Has Ended" dialog box itself can tell a legit number from a bad one before even submitting it is beyond me, but it can somehow. Amazing! geestar20, (ok ok, heres your beer and pillow, prop yer own dang feet up tho, lol) No, I haven't tried the Shrink/Decrypter method yet, but thanks again for the new post, and the attempt to save me some money. I had pretty much already decided Nero ( would be a worthwhile purchase but I definately intend to try that way also and compare the results...just as soon as I get a new DVD to back up. You didn't say..have you tried both methods yourself? Did you notice any difference at all in picture quality? Just wonderin. If any one else out there wants to share their opinion on this, please feel free. Inquiring minds want to know! michigan, Thanks for the response and I'm glad you've enjoyed this thread. I have too! Good luck with *your* first attempt and let us know how you make out. Talk to y'all soon, Doohicky
My goodness, look at who it is, Why it's me little Hickey-Doo - How's ya doin my littl' Buddy, been wonderin how ya was - Yepper, de ScubaPete's done it all - the picture is about the same - it's alittle faster using Nero cause of the "auto write" thingie - ya got an extra step using Decrypter - but try it there Doohickey, you'll like it ) I think ya done good buy'n Nero you done right - (Silly guy, thinkin' he could just type in anything and have it work) - They got their ways my friend ) Hey there Doo-Buddy, Now it's your turn, stop back when you're free and help someone else - they'll appreciate it and it will make you feel better You can then Welcome them into the Club See ya 'round the lounge area, shoot some breeze Cheers, Pete
I use Shrink and decrypter. There are no extra steps. When shrink is done Decryter opens and starts burning. I use the newest DVDdecryter. I works flawlessly. The OE nero6 for 9 dollars I purchased works just fine also. Don't spend 70 or 120 for Nero unless there is some special extra you want.
Hey Donald, I think you got a good deal. I tell people to "Google" to find Nero 5.5 for about $10.00, $9.00 is more better If you're not playing around with Mini-DVD's or using recode 2, save your money. And lastly, Never buy from Ahead at $120.00. You can get the "Full Boat Nero for $69.99 online ) Also, when I was recommending Nero, the newer DVD Shrink that can burn with Decrypter wasn't out. Now I recommend DVD Shrink and Decrypter as a pair for the great and especially reduced price of FREE !!! Ya just can't beat them apples anywhere ) Pete