discussion on the upcoming superbowl 40, in 2 WEEKS!!!. Go DENVER(im a Colts fan but there out, so GO DENVER!!!!)
At the moment, the Broncos are looking pretty pathetic. The Steelers are blowing them out of the game.
I'm not so sure about your Broncos solargame, there's less than 8 mins left in the 4th, and steelers are still ahead by ten.
well, luckly the seahawks destroyed the panthers, so its Steelers vs. SeaHawks. Sean Alexander better be up to hi best game, especially after that injury he had.
Steelers are roxxors this year. They gonna pwn dem Broncos with their l33t skillz. I was hoping the Chicago Bears would make it to the Super Bowl...but they didn't. They were actually doing pretty well and I was about to bust out my Super Bowl Shuffle...but then the Panthers won. By luck.
don't know if you were being sarcastic, but no, thats basketball. this is football (american football). and BTW steelers are gonna kick ass!
@scubabud wer u being sarcastic? oh sorry didnt see the coment at the bottom of your post my bad ^_^ im just a pup so i dont wach "foot ball" but any way, GO watever it is that the rest of u r betting(and loosing money)on!
I live in Denver so I was behind the broncos all the way...too bad they played so terribly Jake Plummer is a BUM! I like the Steelers and I've long been a fan of Jerome so I'm sorta rootin for them because I have a feeling this year might be Jerome Bettis' (sp) last year. On the other hand the Seahawks havn't won a playoff game since 1984 (until three days ago)and 1984 was the year I was brought into this wonderful world, they have Never been to the Super Bowl, and the first football helmet I ever wore was a Seahawks little plastic one that I wore in many backyard football games (I've played the game since I was four). So, while I root for Jerome, nastalgia has the upper hand.. GO HAWKS!
I agre, his hair looks like it hasnt been washed in ages,plus that nasty beard. but, he can throw a ball.
Lol he does look like a bum ,ever since he got suspendid for sticking his middle finger to the crowd he never shaved or cut his hair lol
Oh so that's the one where the players play rugby with motocross gear then... Tried to watch some super special final once, fell asleep after 5 minutes... Couldn't understand the rules...