Supercard dstwo released is working on 3DS V4.4.0-10 Now

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by shalome, Sep 21, 2012.

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  1. shalome

    shalome Regular member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Yesterday Nintendo updated the 3DS firmware to V4.4.0-10, the new firmware blocked all the flashcarts, today supercard dstwo official forum has released a update patch for it, use this patch to update your supercard dstwo, your dstwo will be working on the latest 3SD again.

    Download: update patch for 3DS V4.4.0-10

    Make sure you update your dstwo before you update your 3DS.

    Some guys have confirmed it, it is working, i am testing it now and will get back to you soon.

    Update: i have tested this update, confirmed it is working. so feel free to update your dstwo for the 3DS V4.4.0-10.

    here is the method if you need it:

    Edit: currently it has been confirmed that only dstwo card can work on the updated 3DS , r4i gold from also have released a video to show their card can work on it, but no update patch released yet, so currently only dstwo.

    if you plan to buy a flashcart for your updated 3DS, make sure buy a preflashed supercard dstwo:
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
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