I've recently bought a supercard & a superkey to allow me to play roms/use homebrew on my DSlite. it came with some software that i installed, and used to put the roms onto a micro sd card, but when i put the micro sd into the supercard and load them up, i either get 2 white screens, or a game boy advanced loading screen, then nothing else. i saw something about patching, but there was nothing on the software i received that looks like it does anything about patching, Any ideas? Cheers!
my guess(and it's only a guess at this point) is that your 'superkey' is not doing what it should. . Q when the gameboy screen loads. what happens when you press 'A'? does the wee menu thing appear? Q do normal DS games work in slot 1? . i assume you used the convertion software correctly. Are you using the latest software 'for your supercard type'?(remember there are lots of different supercard types)SD, microSD, MiniSD, SCRumble..etc..