Did anyone see (UK) the BBC documentary drama about the Super Volcano at Yellowstone National Park. They reckon it will be 2,500 times bigger than the Mount St Helen's Volcano. And its due to go off !!!! That'll bugger up the price of US real estate. They think the ash will cover 3/4 of the US. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/supervolcano/index.shtml It was a good programme, though time to move if you live within 1000km of the Yellowstone Caldera, as you may only have 70,000 years before it explodes.
yeah I've seen it a few times on the discovery channel. The scary thing is that there are numerous super volcanos around the world, and scientists don't even know where all of them are. the last one to erupt, toba, which erupted 80,000 years ago, reduced the human population to as little as 15 thousand. It is because of this huge disaster and major bottleneck of people that we all look so alike. Scientists have shown that for how long the human being species has been around, there should be a much wider variety of us, specifically our DNA structure, but its not. And like you said, Yellowstone supervolcano erupts every 600,000 years, and the last one was approx. 600,000 years ago. Yeah I got fascinated with this crap when I saw it and read all kinds of articles about it. Some scary shiznit. Makes me hope it doesn't erupt in my lifetime, cause I live in Southern California, so I'm pretty much 100% guaranteed dead, along with most of the US when it erupts. edited 4 damn typo
You'll be OK - Bush will save you - I am surprised he hasn't attacked it yet as a weapon of Mass Destruction. They guess that at least a billion people will die and then the world will be thrown in to the midst of a nuclear winter.
Ker"friggin'"boom. Just send in the army & nuke the place before it takes you out. Don't forget the potassium pills! That should fix it.
first we take over Italy, then yellowstone. Yellowstone might put up a fight though... Then we liberate France! we won't stop til all you f'ers have a mcdonalds and starbucks in your backyard BUSH RULES this country blows I'm moving to canada
thats probably the most hurtful thing you could possible say...I'm moving to Canada. Do you have a room to rent ddp?
What will Bush save us from exactly? Free speech, civil liberties in the name of national security? Blair is "saving" us right at this moment. All I can say is thank God for the House of Lords! (I NEVER thought I would EVER say that, BTW!) Pulsar
djscoop, yes we have a spare room, just let me know ahead of time so we can talk money & are you allergic to cats & dogs as we have 2 of each
sweet. yeah I have a dog and a cat myself (and 2 ferrets) so no prob with animals. Either the next country Bush invades, or the next stupid thing he does (which shouldn't take too long) and I'm outta here. I will have to adjust to the minus zero weather everday, as I look out my window to a beautiful sunny day here in so cal, but what the hell.
Please don't get me started on Bush and Blair. Its absolutely amazing how two world leaders can lie to the general public and still be in office. I think its sounding more like the United Corporations of American and Friends instead of USA and Britain! ddp, got another room up there in Canada?
I got so excited the other day. I forced my republican friend to watch F/911, and she was so shocked after that, she's as anti-bush as I am. As long as I can change one person's views, I am happy.
djscoop, it is sunny here & about plus 2 to 4 outside right now. my mother likes ferrets as we had 1 for a couple of years. she called it freddie the ferret & i called it freddy the freeloader!! pulsar, 1st come 1st serve but money 1st
mine are thelma and louise, because they get into so much damn trouble! great pets though. I had to drive to Vegas to get them, as they are illegal in cali. so its plus 4 there? so thats what, like 40 degrees F, right? Yeah, that'll definately take some getting used to. It would be cool to actually have a white Christmas though...
true. my Grandma used to live up in a place called Pine Mountain, which was a great place to go visit, but she moved a few years ago cause she got sick of the mountain driving and being so far away from her family. The only snow I see now is when my buddies and I drive 6 hours north to Mammoth Mountain for snowboarding.
I quite fancy the idea of going to Canada. DDP how many rooms do you have? Maybe we could set up an afterdawn commune! Ziggy - my dog would enjoy playing with all the ferrets. Why are they illegal in California? I used to have a penfriend when I was at school called Darlene, she lives in Halifax Nova Scotia - she might have a room if ddp doesn't.