Anyone else (UK) finding the EPG and recording a nightmare with this new software? The SV4 doesn't seem to record anymore through using the EPG to schedule. Also, the EPG wants to update automatically every time I switch it on. Anyone having the same problems? Is it worth me having another go and reflashing?
I've taken the new version off and gone back to V1.07. Very frustraing that the first update for six months has made the epg/recording function worse rather than better. Ah well. Hopefully there'll be an update soon.
I'm in the UK mate so everything was functional anyway with 1.07. Put it this way, the recording function is better with the old firmware than the new.
You need to factory default the box first update the firmware on it then do a new scan on your provider then into the 1570 menu set default key first then enable code key exit out to tv and it should work fine
I have recently upgraded from a sv2 to the sv4 usb and have yet to try the record feature but have noticed that the epg updates each time I turn it on, I am in the UK so would I be better off on the 1.07 firmware? Cheers
the latest firmware is to fix the issue in Ireland, go back and use 1.07 or 1.09 as this is stable for UK users
dose anyone no is nothern ireland classed as uk or ireland when it comes to fixes just fixes dont wont to cause any ofence
hi i am going to get 1 of these boxes 2mro i am in the uk but i am getting it for my bro who is in dublin ireland what software will i use to flash it and dose any 1 know what provider should he use when he dose the auto scan when i send it to him thanks