I burned an SVCD,played it back on my DVD player, and found a result I had never seen before. The video when played on my computer is crisp and clear, and in letterbox format. The burned copy plays back on my DVD player and the image jumps. Ths sound seems fine, but the image jumps around. I burned with NERO and tried the burn a second time thinking that maybe it was the media. Same result. When I looked at the playback again I realized that the burned image not only jumped, but that the letterbox was stretched so that some of the titles at the beginning were off of the screen and there was less margin at the top and bottom of the screen than expected. This has never happened before and I didn't change any setting in Nero. Any idea what's going on here?
How did you Create this SVCD File??? The Jumping your describeing sounds Like one of 2 things or maybe Both of them..It could be that your Field order is set Incorrectly when you encoded this File, Or the Data Rate of this file is Too High for your DVD Player to Handle Hence the Jumpy Effect....