I have seen the messages re the burning of these files but is it possible just to play them on my computer? Windows Media Player does not recognise the format because it becomes a Bin File after extracting the file and a web search resulted in no answer as well. Hope someone can help as I do not want to burn the film concerned if it is in any way faulty.
Yes you can watch it on your computer, but not in the .bin format. You will need a program to convert your .bin to a .mpg, or simply mount the image onto a disc, using a program such as Alcohol 120%. VCDGear is good for jus converting your .bin and .cue into one mpeg file.
More than that: standard Windows is unable to watch MPEG-2 files (and therefore SVCDs) even if the movies have been converted from 'riff files' to 'true mpegs'. WMP and BSPlayer can play only MPEG-1 files. You must either convert it into .AVI (e.g. with Virtualdub-MPEG2) or burn on a CD-RW a SVCD and watch it on a DVD player.
Many thanks to both opticwire and aldaco12 for the info. Will be looking at the programmes you ahve suggested. Cheers
aldaco12, you said "Windows is unable to watch MPEG-2 files (and therefore SVCDs)". Intervideo's WinDVD plays SVCD's fine.
open the bin file with iso buster go into the mpeg2 folder and right click the .MPG and press "Extract but Filter only m2f2 mpeg frames" once extracted play with the player of ur choice
HEY FLAN! Hey M8, there is a MUCH easier way to go about this. Goto http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ to d\l VLC player. Its free, it will pay any damn thing you throw at it. Your .bin file? Just click 'Open File...' and follow to your .bin file and click on it...or your .vob file, mpeg1 or 2 or .dat, avi, ccd,iso, freaking anything. Simple interface. Hell, if your email addy is available i'll just email you a copy. Course u can still check out their site if you want more directions. Happy viewing to you.