My xbox's hardrive is screwed, but I have a spare xbox (the hard drive in it is fine but cdrom is broke) Can I just simply switch the good one over and replace it with the bad one?
yeah you can change dvd drives without getting deep into your xbox just disconnect the coales from the old and connect the new.
I'm talking about if I can switch the harddrive with another xbox harddrive..not CDROM; sorry my first post was a little confusing.
No, you cant. The drive needs to be unlocked first and you will need the eeprom from that other xbox. In order to gain access to it you would will need to softmod the box. Then you'll need to use xboxhdm 1.9 to unlock the drive. After the drive is unlocked, relock with the eeprom that belongs to the box you are going to insert into. Build a lunix iso with your original C and E partions. I dont know why you would want to go through all that trouble. All you could easily do is just swap the dvd drive. Either way you still have to softmod them both.
If you have the eeprom from your broken xbox hdd you'll be able to relock and create any new drive. If dont have it, swap the dvd drive and you're better off.