hi guys does anyone know how to make a second pc dvd switchable between the x box drive and the new drive i found a tut on xbox-scene unfortunatley all it show is a pic and no specifics here have a look http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/pcdvd-switch.php what i need is to know exactley how to do it thanks a lot if you can help
The easiest way is to get a power cable splitter for the hdd power cable. With cover off for now (mod the case as you see fit once you determine it is what you want) One lead to the hdd, one to the pc dvd. Leave the xbox dvd power cable plugged into the xbox dvd drive and switch the data cable from the xbox dvd to the pc dvd. Should be ready to go.
I really didnt find adding a computer dvd drive to the xbox a big help, except if you want to watch movies or play music. Thats all it can basically do, and dont bother trying to extract music, the dvd drive doesnt have the firmware to do it.......unless it is possible to upload the xboxs'dvd drive firware to the dvd from the pc...mmmmmm....could it be done?
thanks scotas and ATIROCKS but i already knew that i dont want it to read original games only homebrew and leave the original drive for original disc this is only for compatibilty problems hense y i want it switchable without haveing to leave the case open