I just got a real ipod for christmas. I set itunes to only sync checked tunes and I think I only have about 4 gigs checked but it syncs for ever 30+ hrs for 4 gigs. Could the size of the total libray be confusing itunes? I included all my stuff which is much bigger than 4 gigs. I also pointed itunes to an audio folder that has sub folders containing artists. Could that confuse itunes? Is there a way to globally uncheck all the tunes? Maybe I have more than 4 gigs checked and I just do not know it. Is there a way to know how many tunes are checked? The only display I see is for the total library size.
I started the sync at noon and it was still busy at 10 the next night. I wanted to shut down the computer then and did. There was less than 100 tunes on the ipod after that amount of time. I know now you can't just load and sync that much stuff. The software can't handle it. You need to bring it on a few gigs at a time. That seems to work just fine. I am not very far on my imports but I have a few gigs of tunes. I will just keep adding tunes a few gigs at a time.