This seems to be a common problem when using the latest version of Nero7 (, heres a suggestion put forward by a member who has had some success by
Do you know which version of Nero you are using, go to StartSmart, Info Tools and locate full version, should be something like or
You could try updating to this version, both packages Package 2
I was having the same problem.....this from the above worked with Nero Vision 4 disabling certain Nero filters by executing the following commands: Start > Run > regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\ Start > Run > regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\ Worked like a charm!!
Yes, it does work. The only problem with this fix is that Nero Showtime will no longer play DVDs. Also, the preview window (when burning) is disable as well.
This SOLUTION worked for THIS PARTICULAR PROBLEM for me: I have downloaded and burned "Lost Season 2" to DVD. Required 8 DVD's for 24 episodes. Most episodes had an audio sync problem which can be described as: - sync was good at start of episode - sync became progressively worse as episode ran through - audio was ALWAYS after the video (audio was late) - all original downloaded files played flawlessly on my computer using Windows Media Player Because there are 24 episodes, I was not willing to reprocess or demultiplex or resample (etc. etc.) each file to try to resynchronize the files before burning them. That would have been too labour intensive and clearly I am a very busy guy... What I was using was: - Nero (maybe - Windows XP FYI: If I right clicked on the "Lost Season 2" files and selected Properties and then clicked the "Summary" tab, it showed me that all files were compressed using Divx YV12 codec. Further, each file seemed to have variable bit rate for the audio (compared to the other files in the same series) and also variable data rates for the video. Further to that, the audio bit rate and the video data rate never seemed to be the same within the same file. I don't know if they are supposed to be or if that is important. When I right clicked on the TV series "24" that I also downloaded, I noted that the codec simply stated "Divx" and that all audio bit rates and video data rates for each file (24 files again for the whole series) were all the same. Further, the audio bit rate and the video data rate were the same within each file (consistently 128 and 128 but sometimes 128 and 127) When I burned the "24" series using Nero, I had no audio sync problems. Back to "Lost": I applied the solution offered by Gwendolyn (my new Goddess) to run the 2 files that are Nero files (you can find them in the Nero folder) and IT WORKED. The solution is to click "Start" and then select "Run" and then copy and paste the 2 lines to run the 2 files: regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\ regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\ Apparently this fix will disable your ability to actually play DVD's on Nero. I don't really give a rat's ass about that because I want to watch them on my TV and sit close to my girlfriend. I do not know very much about compression and codecs and DVD burning. From the eight thousand forum posts both on this website and also I have read, I assume that audio sync problems are: - common - have many different presentations (progrssively worse, bad throughout, audio early, audio late etc.) - have many different causes - have many different solutions For the particular problem I was having, this solution worked and DID NOT REQUIRE THAT I PROCESS EACH FILE BEFORE BURNING IT WITH NERO. Thanks Gwendolyn and thanks to the person who may have supplied this fix to Gwendolyn. Had I not had success with this approach, my next 2 solutions were going to be to roll back my Nero to earlier versions. From what I have read, people have had success rolling back to: - version (try which is a great website) - version (links in this forum to download this one) I am curious if others have had similar experiences as I have. Jason Vancouver, Canada
What version of Nero are you using? Update to the latest one of the version you have and it should reactivate it. Like if you're running update to Or do a clean install of Nero and that should work too.