I have put together a video for my son's graduation using Windows Movie Maker. It was an extremely time consuming project because I wanted the pictures to match the words of the song which is an mp3 file off my computer but the finished product came out perfect until I tried burning it to DVD using Sonic MY DVD deluxe 5. The dvd was out of sync, with the pictures no longer matching up with the words. The problem also seems to be progressive as the dvd advances, in that it seems to be slightly off after 30 seconds but five or six seconds off at the 4 minute mark. My DVD trouble shooting says it might be a codecs or a compressing problem but i can't seem to find a way to correct it. PLEASE HELP....SOMEBODY....ANYBODY??!!
I have a very similar problem. My wife, son and I had a holiday in Sydney and I took around 30 minutes of video footage using the latest model compact camcorder. The footage captured perfectly as individual clips in Windows Movie Maker. I edited the clips adding still images, titles, fades and transitions as well as a few sections of music in mp3 format. I then exported the whole movie to a CDR (mwv file) and eveything was perfect. I then decided to create a DVD using Sonic MY DVD as it was bunded with my Sony DVD burner. I re-exported the movie to my HDD which is a 120 Gb Seagate SATA 7200 RPM with around 50 Gb free on the partition I use for video. I wanted to create the DVD so that I could include a slideshow as well on the same DVD and so we could watch it on a large screen tv as opposed to the 17 inch computer monitor. The authoring process all seemed to work fine and I ended up with a DVD that appeared to be exactly what I wanted, until I watched the movie for a few minutes and the sound gradually got more and more out of sync. I too would be very interested to sind a solution to a annoying problem.I had a look at the Sonic website to try to find an answer but their reasons for the problem don't seem to apply to my situation. They were: sound not at 44 khz 16 bit, lack of HDD space, fragmented HDD, not enough RAM (I have 1 Gb), and cpu too slow (I have a 2.8 Pentium). So I am really keen to find out what the problem is??