Here are the specs on this machine AMD XP2200+ chip MSI KT880 Mobo Kingston DDR 400 512mb WD HD 120GB GeForce 6600GT Video Card 550 Power Supply I have been attempting to install windows on this machine. It is at the initial Windows setup blue screen. At the bottom of the screen you can see all the devcices and files that it is setting up (keep in mind this is b4 you even begin to format the HD). It gets right at the end of loading/setting up the drivers, and this is the last command it states: SETUP IS LOADING WINDOWS NT FILE SYSTEM (NTFS). The system just restarts right at that point. I have switched memory, and HD's and it does the same. Has anybody seen this b4? Please give a hand cause I am going nuts now.
I'd recommend updating your BIOS to the last version available. Since the board has three memory slots, try each slot one at a time. Also, to eliminate the possibility of it being the memory stick or memory slot, run MemTest86 with the memory stick in each slot. Also instructions there to make a boot disk to use it with.