Hello. I am heading to school this fall and was wondering whether to get a table PC or a notebook. Does anyone have any pro's or con's for either side. I have changed my mind about 30 times and still can't make it up. Please help with suggestions. I'm willing to spend about 1500 for either. Thanks a lot.
in my opinion get a notebook they have more hdd space have more powerfull cpus they have more ram and they have bigger keyboards and screens and the real fact is that if there is no reason to have such a small pc then why get such a small pc?
Thanks a lot. I was planning on getting a toshiba tablet that may function as both, I'm just not sure what would be best.
I'm an apple man, so of course I would recommend to you a powerbook or ibook of some kind. They're superior hardware quality compared to any other computer hardware manufacturers that I am aware of (in its price range). Tablets are still behind in technology and I have buds in college that went from tablet to laptop: Laptops are better in every other way except touch screen - but even the touch screen isn't worth the extra bucks on the tochiba you speak of.